I hold two master’s degrees. My first master’s degree is in Socio-Cultural Anthropology and the second master’s degree is in Mental Health Counseling/Therapy (graduating with Honors and Distinction).
I am a multi-cultural specialist, and a Spanish speaker. In addition to having lived in the United Sates, I have also lived in Mexico and Canada, which has afforded me the experience of and wisdom from different cultures.
I am Nationally Board Certified and an Arizona State Licensed Professional Counselor and Psychotherapist. I am also a Certified First Responder Counselor.
I am always earnestly engaged in continuing my personal and professional growth through continuing education with a focus on integrated mental health (exploring health and wellness of the whole person in the context of their family culture, diet, nutrition, exercise, medical status, and spirituality).
I have over 30 years’ experience working in a wide variety of human service arenas, where I’ve utilized my background as a Socio-Cultural Anthropologist and Mental Health Expert. This has included:
I am now focused solely on my private practice. I bring to you a vast knowledge base and a deep, caring concern for your healing process.